Author: DJ CLiXz /

          Oh my! I can't not believe the order of events. Macbeth’s betrayal has impacted me greatly. Since the time of death, I had the suspicion on my fellow mate Macbeth and he proved it right. He couldn’t have committed all of these sins on his own; someone was the back bone of the operation. Lady Macbeth! I believed Macbeth to be a honest and noble men who fought for the country to make it a better place on earth, but his greedy self has forced sins upon himself. His ruthless acts have caught me off guard. I didn’t think of the prophecies as much, except the dreams. I don’t know how he had the expression that I was going to bate him out. I wish he had asked me instead of just killing me. Poor Lady Macbeth, she has been the support of Macbeth but now she is no more. Macduff on the other hand has made a smart decision by not attending Macbeth’s Party and siding with Malcolm. Duncan’s son, Malcolm deserves to be the next king of Scotland; he portrays the proper definition of manliness. Duncan’s inability to be an aggressive king might have influenced the events, but many other things can be blamed. The prophecies for Macbeth could have been achieved in the right way. Unwise, carelessness and unmanliness has created and killed Macbeth. There isn’t much to be done anymore, but my mate Macbeth sets a good example of a person who is very greedy, in noble and over ambitious to achieve what he or she wants. As I lay in my grave, let it be a lesson not to trust anyone.


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