Author: DJ CLiXz /

          Oh my! I can't not believe the order of events. Macbeth’s betrayal has impacted me greatly. Since the time of death, I had the suspicion on my fellow mate Macbeth and he proved it right. He couldn’t have committed all of these sins on his own; someone was the back bone of the operation. Lady Macbeth! I believed Macbeth to be a honest and noble men who fought for the country to make it a better place on earth, but his greedy self has forced sins upon himself. His ruthless acts have caught me off guard. I didn’t think of the prophecies as much, except the dreams. I don’t know how he had the expression that I was going to bate him out. I wish he had asked me instead of just killing me. Poor Lady Macbeth, she has been the support of Macbeth but now she is no more. Macduff on the other hand has made a smart decision by not attending Macbeth’s Party and siding with Malcolm. Duncan’s son, Malcolm deserves to be the next king of Scotland; he portrays the proper definition of manliness. Duncan’s inability to be an aggressive king might have influenced the events, but many other things can be blamed. The prophecies for Macbeth could have been achieved in the right way. Unwise, carelessness and unmanliness has created and killed Macbeth. There isn’t much to be done anymore, but my mate Macbeth sets a good example of a person who is very greedy, in noble and over ambitious to achieve what he or she wants. As I lay in my grave, let it be a lesson not to trust anyone.


Author: DJ CLiXz /

All of what the witches proclaimed came true. The witches’ prophecy 

came true indeed; Macbeth had died from man that is not born of 

woman which was Macduff. Macbeth thought he was invincible because of 

that prophecy, but what he did not know was that Macduff had a sea 

section so he was not actually born of woman. Macbeth has died and I have 

been avenged. I thought of Macbeth as a good friend and did not know he 

would betray me like this. I had suspected something when king Duncan had 

died, but was not sure at the time. I am glad that my loyal friend MacDuff has 

avenged me. Now my soul can rest in peace knowing that the person that sent 

to kill me is dead. I’m still thinking about the prophecies and I wonder if my son, 

Fleace will be king someday. All of Macbeth’s prophecies came true so that 

must mean that my prophecy will come true too. The prophecies were that 

Macbeth will be the thane of Cawdor and be king, and that I would have a 

line of kings. There’s nothing I can do right now but hopefully my son will 

follow in my footsteps and be a fine knight and be the king and have a line 

of kings. Right now the only thing I can do now is watch over my son, and 

one day he might be king. 



Author: DJ CLiXz /

I fear that as long as I fall into a deep sleep, 
the prophecies of those three weird women 
will come true and take its place. I have talked about my dream of the women with Macbeth 
while I was with my son, Fleance.  Macbeth took it as something that should be discussed
 when the time is right and also that if the dream does come true, he asked for me to support him 
along the way. I noted to Macbeth that as long as I keep my conscience clear and remain 
loyal to him that everything will go as it is suppose to and also said I will not talk about anything 
that is not honorable. When I was talking to him earlier, I also mentioned that King 
Duncan is pleased with the service and such at Iverness. After I talked to Macbeth, I left him 
alone and as I walked away, I wondered what he was going to do. I fear that Macbeth will 
do something that is uneasy to himself that will appear as something little but grow into 
something big enough to drive him mad. This feeling is deep within me and I can’t help 
but to wait and see what happens because as a friend, I should support him 
throughout whatever happens.



Author: DJ CLiXz /

All hail Macbeth and all hail Banquo, I would have

never thought of this before. How can Macbeth 

become thane of Cawdor, when he is only thane of Glamis? Why would 

these wicked witches come and speak such false things upon us. No, 

there is no way that any of this could be true; I will only believe

 it when I see it with mine own two eyes. I will be both lesser

 and greater than Macbeth, that makes no sense what so ever. 

Why can’t these witches tell me what I want to hear? How comes 

I cannot become a thane of some Cawdor or King of Scotland.

  What, Ross why do you hither, that is unbelievable how could 

you have possibly known that, why are you telling us that 

Macbeth is now thane of Cawdor? Ross how could you speak 

all these things. These words have been said by wicked witches.

 There was no one else among us, how did you here of such 

news so quick. How can I be the father of kings, does 

this mean that my son shall be a king?

  King Duncan does not give anything to me but he’ll give 

Macbeth thane of Cawdor? This is absolute non-sense.

I ‘m going to have to keep an eye on Macbeth, if these

 wicked witches say that he shall be thane of Cawdor,

 Glamis and King of Scotland, and he has been crowned

 thane of Cawdor in less than a day then  shall 

I seek to find these things that shall hither among us.



Author: DJ CLiXz /

I have been with Macbeth as a fellow soldier and a good friend, yet betrayal played its part. As Macbeth committed sin, my suspicion upon him led to my murder. Obstacles were passed, and enemies were slain but justice was blind until Malcolm regrouped. Duncan’s murder, Prophecies by the witches, my dream and all contributed to unmanly decisions. As my journals follows, it states my feeling during the certain events I have been through during my part of the novel Macbeth, by Shakespeare.